Candle Gazing



Candle Gazing is a form of meditation, It literally means to gaze into a flame of a candle. When you partake in such an activity you should burn the color coordinated to how you want it to effect you. In my opinion Candle Gazing is the most effective right after you wake up and before you go to sleep. It grounds me more to the earth which is what the fire element does.

White candles symbolize clarity, purity, innocence and simplicity.

Gold candles symbolize wealth, prosperity, abundance, spirituality and higher ideals.

Silver candles symbolize clairvoyance, accessing the subconscious mind, and personal transformation.

Red candles symbolize Survival, safety and connection to the physical world, family bonding and physical strength.

There are many different colors of candles but those selected few are the ones I focus the most on.

When you are about to start a Candle Gazing session make sure you are…

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