Sea Of Love =

Sea Of Love =

Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you

Do you remember
When we met?
That’s the day I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you

Come with me my love
To the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you

La Sera – Losing to the Dark (Stream)

Heartbreaking Bravery

Well, it happened. Vivian Girls called it quits and each respective member now has the freedom to throw themselves into their other projects to a more complete extent than they could have while the band was still active. Of all those projects, Katy Goodman’s solo venture, La Sera, has been the most consistently captivating over the past few years. La Sera’s last record, 2011’s Sees the Light, hinted at a darker sound with contained noir-punk moments like “Drive On”- but nothing provided full preparation for something like “Losing to the Dark”.

Goodman’s lyrical stock and trade leading up to this point has largely relied on either joy or apathy, “Losing to the Dark” shifts that focus to unbridled anger. In accordance with that anger, in the Hour of the Dawn lead-off single she’s crafted a song that winds up being a perfect combination of all her previous works strongest elements…

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Candle Gazing



Candle Gazing is a form of meditation, It literally means to gaze into a flame of a candle. When you partake in such an activity you should burn the color coordinated to how you want it to effect you. In my opinion Candle Gazing is the most effective right after you wake up and before you go to sleep. It grounds me more to the earth which is what the fire element does.

White candles symbolize clarity, purity, innocence and simplicity.

Gold candles symbolize wealth, prosperity, abundance, spirituality and higher ideals.

Silver candles symbolize clairvoyance, accessing the subconscious mind, and personal transformation.

Red candles symbolize Survival, safety and connection to the physical world, family bonding and physical strength.

There are many different colors of candles but those selected few are the ones I focus the most on.

When you are about to start a Candle Gazing session make sure you are…

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Ada Couture “Take 2”


Since we had nothing else to do on this boring Sunday, we decided to head out for some more photo fun before we lost the day light. This time it was an outfit of her choice, and she obviously was more comfortable in it! This shoot took like 30 minutes (shooting time), and was right down the street form our apartment. It was really funny when we got her in the cart, and even funnier when we attempt to get her out! Once again a special thanks to her for letting me shoot her.

I wanted to also give a shout out to the guy that found and gave back my phone back when I had totally left it on the floor at the parking lot where we shot these photos! Too bad I did not catch his name… 😦 (I was too exited that I had found my phone)

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