ranting lol XD

some dude…chick…PERSON is telling me that i shouldn’t keep my hopes up for world peace -A- wtf? who SAYS that???? that humans are fueled by hatred and that having peace in the world is an impossibility???? that people will always be mentally ill (which okay, they might) and depressed and fucked up in some way or another??? that CAN’T be true. there HAS to be a light. someday, there won’t be so many prejudices in the world. someday people will realize that the world is like one big family, and though we don’t always have to get along, when it counts; we’ll all be there for each other. someday not everyone will have a vendetta against everyone else. someday the world WILL prosper with love and acceptance and and understanding. it will because otherwise, what purpose could i have possibly served here? what point would there have been in my existence if not to spread some happiness and warmth to someone else? to love and be loved wholly and completely. THAT is my goal in life. and yes, it is a reference to one single person-whomever they turn out to be- but also to ALL the people around me. i want to make friends far and wide in the world, and make them happy. to comfort them and talk to them and make life even a little more worth while. recently i begged a stranger not to kill himself for the first time. i succeeded for a short while, but now i’m not sure, and i can’t even begin to describe how scared i am and how much of a failure i feel like. after all; if i couldn’t save him, what makes me think i can save anyone else? but i have to believe that i can. because otherwise, i’ll loose my motivation and the picture i have in my head, the picture, the FUTURE, i’m working towards. so, give up on my dream of world peace? accept hate into my heart and embrace it? i did that once. it killed me inside everyday. so, no. his/her/it’s attempts to convince me to do otherwise only hardens my resolve. i WILL keep my dream alive, and i don’t care how far fetched it is. weren’t all great dreams and ideas once seen as ludicrous and impossible? cars, electricity, the world being round? mine seems the most outrageous of all apparently; the most out of reach. and that is devastatingly morbid. i WILL make a change someday. and i don’t give a flying FUCK what anybody else tries to tell me.

Nothing’s impossible.

Hi there :)

hello. : ) i am new to this whole “blog” thing and i hope that i can get the hang of it quickly, though i don’t think very many people will probably end up reading it haha XD i tend to not have very much popularity with things like this ^^’ ummm…well for starters, i’m not wholly comfortable with giving out my real name on most internet sites, and have taken to referring to myself simply as “Violet” (hence my username) and expect others to resect my choice and do the same. : ) i am 16 years of age, i love to write, and read, and listen to music, but i don’t usually vent very much. : o every now and again i may post something angsty or more often than not- ranting…y. because if you hadn’t noticed by now- i like to rant.

a lot.

XD lol aaaanyways, i hope i do at least a little better here than i’ve ever done on other things like deviantart or tumblr or inkpop where i only have a miniscule collection of followers . ^^’ also; i AM an aspiring writer and will probably end up posting some of my stories, or some story ideas, or stories that i’m helping friends with, and things like that. : ) please follow me and help boost my confidence a bit yea? ^w^ haha 🙂 Baiiii ❤

~Vi ❤